//lang=en_US Moto vehicles

A reliable, modern, high-quality battery at an affordable price. It is ready for operation from the first second after purchase. No need to worry about vibration or temperature conditions: just put it in the box, turn the key and enjoy the ride.   

Advantages for partners and distributors:
  1. A wide range of motor vehicle batteries.
    Covers more than 10,000 models of motor vehicles
  2. High-quality products
    Superiority over competitors in the general price segment
  3. Competitive cost
    More than 90% of users are satisfied with prices of ASTERION batteries.
  4. High brand recognition and user loyalty
    The NPS coefficient is more than 50%. The NPS indicator amounted to 53.6%. Interpretation depends on the industry (indicator above 50 is considered an excellent level of loyalty).
  5. Comprehensive marketing support
    Bright and high-quality printing to facilitate sales.
    Branded stands
  • Rollups
  • Shelf talkers
  • Cash trays
Everything that can attract the buyer's attention.